Learn About Period Poverty

Understanding Period Poverty in Canada

Period poverty exists in Canada, affecting many individuals, especially in marginalized communities such as low-income families, Indigenous populations, and those experiencing homelessness.

  • Stigma:

    The stigma surrounding menstruation often prevents open discussions, making it challenging for those in need to seek help or access resources

  • Community Initiatives:

    Various organizations are actively working to distribute menstrual products and advocate for policy changes to address period poverty.

  • Access to Products:

    Many individuals face tough choices between buying menstrual products and meeting basic needs, leading to unsafe alternatives or missed school/work

Why This Issue Remains Silent

Several factors contribute to the lack of discussion around period poverty:

  1. Stigma and Shame: Menstruation is often viewed as a taboo topic.
  2. Lack of Education: Insufficient education about menstruation perpetuates misinformation.
  3. Societal Norms: Many see menstruation as a private matter, discouraging open dialogue.
  4. Marginalization: Voices from affected groups are often overlooked.
  5. Limited Media Coverage: Period poverty lacks visibility in broader discussions.
  6. Niche Perception: Some view it as a women's issue, ignoring its wider implications.

The Importance of Ending Period Poverty

Health and Hygiene: Access to products reduces the risk of infections.

Educational Access: It helps prevent absenteeism in schools.

Economic Equality: Tackling period poverty contributes to economic empowerment.

Mental Well-being: Access to products improves mental health.

Gender Equality: Ending period poverty is vital for achieving gender equity.

Social Responsibility: Access to menstrual products is a basic human right.

Community Impact: Proper management of menstruation benefits entire communities

The Role of Donations

Immediate Relief: Helps individuals manage their periods safely.

Improved Health Outcomes: Reduces health risks associated with unsafe materials.

Enhanced Educational Opportunities: Reduces school absenteeism.

Increased Awareness: Sparks conversations about period poverty.

Support for Marginalized Communities: Targets those who face unique challenges.

Empowerment and Dignity: Promotes dignity in managing periods.

Community Support: Fosters solidarity and advocacy for menstrual equity.

How You Can Help

Support Coochie Berry to directly contribute to the fight against period poverty. For every Coochie Cup purchased, one is donated to a woman in need, helping ensure access to essential menstrual products. Your purchase empowers individuals and brings us closer to our collective goal of ending period poverty. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the resources they need to manage their periods with dignity